

‘No more fossil fuels!’ says Brighthelm Church


'We don’t want our money to support an industry that is killing the planet. Instead, we want to contribute to a world in which all life can flourish.' Revd Alex Mabbs

Inspired by the Bright Now campaign, Brighthelm Church and Community Centre in Brighton is pulling out of supporting fossil fuels. Like many charities, Brighthelm has investments across a portfolio of businesses, including fossil fuel companies.  None of these shares would normally be considered unethical, but Brighthelm’s trustees have decided to sell their investments in companies whose core business is fossil fuel.

Brighthelm’s minister, Revd Alex Mabbs, explained, ‘One of our core values at Brighthelm is sustainability.  It is increasingly clear that the burning of fossil fuels is not sustainable. Through its direct effect on climate change and increasingly intensive extraction methods it is causing huge damage to the environment and harming animals, plants and humans.  We don’t want our money to support an industry that is killing the planet.  Instead, we want to contribute to a world in which all life can flourish.’

Operation Noah is greatly encouraged that Brighthelm Church has added its voice to the growing fossil fuel divestment movement. As well as working to effect change at the national Church denomination level the campaign also encourages individual churches that hold investments in fossil fuels to look at disinvestment. This is the first church since the launch of the campaign to make this decision.

Alex Mabbs added, ‘We have a long way to go before we stop burning carbon at Brighthelm, but this feels like an important step in the right direction.’

Brighthelm Church and Community Centre Trust is part of the United Reformed Church.

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