Blog Archive: April 1, 2015 - Bright Now




Birmingham Diocese joins Oxford in calling on the Church of England to disinvest

On 21st March, Birmingham Diocesan Synod resolved unanimously to pass a motion urging the Church of England to disinvest its holdings from fossil fuel companies. The resolution calls on the Church to make an explicit commitment to disinvest from coal, tar sands, oil and gas companies, and to seek alternative investments in renewable energy and low-carbon technology.

This follows a similar motion passed by the Diocese of Oxford in November 2014, which the Church’s General Synod is expected to discuss later this year. Revd Darrell Hannah, who raised the Oxford motion, says, ‘I am delighted to hear of this outcome from Birmingham’s Diocesan Synod, and especially that the vote was unanimous. Birmingham has provided clear leadership for the Church of England as a whole. It is becoming increasingly obvious that fossil fuel companies are no longer a good investment. The good people at Birmingham Diocese have recognised this and in doing so have struck a blow for the planet, as well as the Church.’

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